Saturday, December 29, 2012

I'm dreaming about Dessert!

As I was stuffing my face with chicken 'n dumplings a few moments ago, all I could think about was 1) how yummy chicken and dumplings 2) how hot the chicken 'n dumplings in my mouth were 3) and what I could fix for dessert. How sad is that? Or maybe it isn't sad at all. Depends on how you look at it... So, after much deliberation, I have decided on old faithful, molten lava cakes. They are so amazing, super simple to make, and I conveniently keep all of the ingredients on hand. 
I can't take credit for the picture here, but if you click on it, you will be taken to the Tasty Kitchen Blog where I found the recipe. Definitely worth the effort!

Now, I can't look at the picture any longer, I'm off to make some!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmafy, Christmafy, Christmafy

I absolutely love this season! It is time for colored lights, wrapping paper, and lots of baking. What can possibly be better than that?!? Finally put the tree up this week and I find myself sitting and just staring at it for long periods of time. That is normal, right? And here it is in all its pre-light beauty.
And just in case that isn't enough, check it out in the dark. Magical. Simply, magical.  

And this Friday I will be participating in a little 5K called the Rudolph Run downtown. I'm super pumped... and rumor has it we will be making reindeer shirts, red tutus and wearing our hair in buns resembling reindeer. It's only appropriate. We are teachers, after all. Pictures to come, hopefully.