So, here is how the week went:
Day One- Browse all the books and think about what animal interests you the most. (Shockingly the insect books grossed the kids out- since when are kids scared of creepy crawly bugs?!? This new generation!)
Day Two- Research your animal and find the answers to your questions in the text using post-its. (Note that just as adults like to use post-its in all their bright glory, children get the same joy. It's SO very adult-like.)
Day Three- Use the post-it information to complete the graphic organizer. And the kicker for 99% of my class... USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! As easy as reciting the pledge of allegiance backwards and as fun as plucking one's eyebrows, I assure you.
Day Four- Asking myself why we began this project and how my class seems to have 50 students when I need to edit with each one! Exaggerating slightly, but they are so NOT ready to edit by themselves or with partners yet. So, we push through the battle.
Day Five- Finally made it through the editing and ready to put those sentences into a final draft. Would seem very easy, but 5 sentences in 1 paragraph is a lot of work for these kiddos. Then make a picture of your researched animal (I LOVE to see there pictures, kid art is amazing!)
Exhibit A: Sweet little girl's finished project. She studied and researched pandas. This picture just makes me happy. Very happy.
Wonder what those panda bears are thinking about??? Bamboo, bamboo, bamboo!
Here's to learning some science!